Starbucks Casi Cielo - Review

Starbucks Casi Cielo

What can you say about a coffee that has a name that means "almost heaven?"

The local Starbucks had sold out of this brew by 7 pm, so I was offered a cup if I didn't mind waiting - it was definitely worth the wait.
Starbucks Casi Cielo Coffee

This brew smells more like a Gevlia or McDonalds coffee. As to the aroma, I would describe it as having a sharp smell. It is very unique for a Starbucks roast. In many ways it reminds me of Gevlia Mocca Java. This is not your usual Starbucks dark roast or medium roast coffee - it is unique among their coffees.

When you first taste this dark roast coffee, the bitter hits the tip of your tongue. It has a very bright flavor with clean finish. There is a hint of chocolate flavor that is very subtle. This coffee has a complex flavor that is hard to describe - but as I said before, if you like Gevalia's Mocca Java, You will love this stuff.

It is a seasonal blend that is only available during the spring of the year, so you had better get some quick, or else wait until next year to get some.

After sweetening, flavor depth and richness becomes more noticeable. This dark roasted blend is complex in flavor. In addition, I noticed that the hint of chocolate flavor is much more noticeable.

This is a great coffee for early in the morning. it really wakes you up. Even though I had it around 8 pm, it woke me up like a shot of espresso.

As to food pairings, I think that it would be excellent with waffles or pancakes in the morning. Starbucks states that it would be good with a large meal - one with 5 courses!

Historically, this Guatemalan coffee was only available to select restaurants. It was created to match gourmet cuisine in a restaurant, but Starbucks decided to offer it to the mass market once a year.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know about this coffee. Thanks. Will get some tomorrow.


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